My name is Roberto Marini. I’m working in the photo industry since more than 20 years but I breath photography since I was born.

Many years ago my father built a company selling the first ever studio flash equipment and several years after I joined to continue the same work.
Indeed my primary occupation is selling professional equipments (flash lights, LEDs, light shapers, light meters…) this job gave me the opportunity to stay in close contact with the greater professional photographers. I learned a lot from them but I also proudly helped them to choose the right equipment for their amazing works.
After many years of experience I started to held on a regular base, photo workshop, seminars and lectures.
Even if I experienced several photography studio genres I’m fascinated by people and human body so I focused my attention to portraits, glamour photography and nude art.
On this site you can see some of my works and if you want to improve your skill in studio phtogrpahy you can contact me to book a one to one lesson or attend to one of my workshop